Asharia’s Tail - Book 1: Kanto - Chapter 12 - Kyukitsune (2024)

Chapter Text

Moments ago, Toshi had gotten worried while he sat in his seat watching the aquatic performance and wondering what was taking Ashi so long to get back from using the toilet. Maybe there was a long line or something, he thought as that was a possibility but then when the show was over and everyone taking their leave, Toshi’s concern magnified and sought to go looking for her himself, retracing where he last saw her go what seem like eons ago.

As he got to where the restrooms were and then focusing on pinpointing his sister’s scent as well as her Pokémon’s and following in the direction they had gone. That was when he wound up bumping into the three Sensational Sister who were surprised to see a kid wandering in a non-public part of the gymnasium/aquamarine sector.

But when he explain to the trio that he was searching for his sister and seeing as they, Daisy, Violet, and Lily, were thinking of the few available area that she might’ve wander into down this way.

They decided on checking where the training pool was and to their surprise, they found there were others already occupying the room, some up in the stands. Toshi hadn’t thought Leon and their other two companions would be here before them and just when he was about to say something, the Galar Monarch put his finger to his lips and then nods his head in the direction of the match happening in the pool.

It took Toshi less than a millisecond to spot his sister in the midst of a fierce Pokemon battle against the other person standing across from her. Now seeing that she was okay but seeing to go plant his butt down in the seat next to Raihan and then the same with the sisters who also decided to have a watch of what’s happening.

They all watched in silent awe, unable to take their eyes away from the intense battle unfolding before them. Toshi marveled at his sister’s strategic planning against both the Gyarados and Slowking – it was absolutely mind-blowing! He couldn't believe how well Ashi used her Shinx against such a formidable opponent and wonder if he could have a go himself against this guy seeing how strong his Pokemon were.

Ashi was relieved to see that Toshi wasn't upset with her for not coming back when she said she would but still felt like she should apologize for worrying him. "Sorry about that, Toshi. I got sidetracked and didn't mean to worry you."

Thankfully, her brother understood and waved off her apology. "It's alright, Ashi. You more than made up for it with that incredible battle!" His eyes sparkled as he recalled the match, which had exceeded his wildest expectations.

Leon leaned forward, a smile lighting up his features. "I must agree, that was one of the most exhilarating battles I've ever witnessed. Your tactical skills and bond with Yoruchi were truly remarkable."

Steven nodded thinking the same thing, "Indeed, your performance was exceptional. It's clear that your training has paid off tremendously."

“Yeah Aratiri really outdid himself back there too,” Raihan added, holding his Rotom as he replayed the recording of Pikachu riding the whirlpool - a highlight for everyone who had witnessed it. Such a unique display of skill had never been seen before!(Somewhere on Seafoam Island, a veteran surfer and his blue-eyed Pikachu sneezed!)

Ashi humbly accepted their praise with a grateful smile, feeling overwhelmed by their kind words. She glanced over at where Cade or Larcade was talking to the three sisters and couldn't believe that the person she had just battled was actually a gym leader here. It still felt unreal, and even they seemed to shoot glances over at the four trainers and listen in as the tall blonde explained everything to them.

"…Well, since you all have performances scheduled for today and Ashi kindly helped me when the Slowpoke escaped again," This caught the trio’s attention as Daisy turned to Lily, who turned to Violet who in turn look at Daisy as they all remembered telling the other to make sure to FULLY close the door before they went on stage - this wasn't their first time dealing with this tricky Pokemon got out and cause havoc for them.

But Larcade pretended not to let this hang over their heads, saying, "We got it back without any hassle and I thought to repay her by having a gym match and see if Ashi was worthy of earning the Cascade Badge which as you had seen clearly she did deserve after today’s battle."

"Yeah/You're right/Her little kitty was soooo cute!" Ashi wasn't sure which Pokemon Lily was referring to, and even Sora blanched at the thought of being called cute.

Ashi could hear her brother's loud reaction as he yelled upon hearing the news, "WAIT, YOU'RE THE GYM LEADER HERE?!" Toshi turned towards where the sisters were and pointed at them, saying, "But you guys, you said you three were..."

"Yes, we are. But like we can't handle everything when our time-slots are fully booked by our manager," Daisy explained while the other two nodded in agreement. "We have our performances to focus on, and since Larcade is more qualified to deal with trainers with the team you already saw just now." Violet chimed in from beside Larcade, leaning slightly towards him - or maybe they were imagining things.

"He's really great at what he does and is so incredible!" Lily gushed from Larcade's right, then sighing softly. Thanks to their Dragonslayer's enhanced hearing, Ashi and Toshi picked up her adding, "And he's pretty dreamy too, if you know what I mean."

"Uh huh, sure..." Those who could see the clear picture of how this must be from a prescriptive standpoint understood. However, Ashi was still amazed that she had unknowingly faced the Gym Leader.

"I-I don't really know what to say about this." Cade (or Larcade) smiled warmly at her and replied, "It's perfectly understandable. I know you were feeling anxious from our conversation earlier and if I had told you about my occupation beforehand, you may not have been able to face me in our match without feeling that weight you've been carrying. I wanted to show you that even though you may worry about others, you shouldn't hold back from reaching your fullest potential." Larcade then turned to look to the far right side of the room, "Isn't that right, Misty?"

Now everyone turned to see the preteen girl who was surprised at being found out and stepped out from behind the pool cleaning equipment she had been hiding behind just then. Misty saw all eyes on her, including a clearly annoyed Raihan that the girl realize must still be upset with her running off without a word and left waiting for hours back outside town. She swallowed the small lump before saying in a shaky voice, "H-Hey everyone! I'm so glad you all made it here! Did you have a good time looking around…?"

Raihan’s eyes narrow and Misty thought that maybe she shouldn’t have said that. But before the gym leader could march over to where she was and really let her have it, Leon quickly intercept him, seeing that he didn’t want to cause a scene in front of everyone there.

“Cool it Rai Rai!” He whispered even though Larcade was more focus on walking towards Misty then the drama unfolding over there. The gym leader was looking to the preteen with such warmth in his orange orbs when he reached her.

"Well look at you, it's been a while since I last saw you now." He gave her a gentle pat on the head and Misty blushed in embarrassment at this public display. "Hey, don't tease me like that!" Misty pouted, but there was a fond smile on her face as she didn’t mind that he does that since he was always the one who looked out for her and was the one she admired the most out of everyone else.

But the moment was ruin when she heard Daisy’s voice cutting into their conversation, "Wow, and here I thought you said you wouldn't be back until you proved yourself as a true Water Pokemon Master."

"Yeah, I totally remember you saying that before you left!" Violet added, and Lily chimed in with, "But wow, that was fast! It must be some kind of record!"

Misty turned bright red upon hearing them throw back her own words from right before she left to train on her skills and didn’t think they’d remember what she said back then. “Soooo were you successful or was it that you were unsuccessful and just decided to come home empty-handed?" Daisy asked teasingly, a mischievous glint in her eye.

Everyone watching this now came to understand Misty’s reasoning much clearer as it made sense why she didn’t want to come this way. Both Ashi and Leon wore a scowl seeing that the sisters were taking it a bit too far and thought how they’d never would do that to their own siblings in front of others like that. (My brother might sometimes get on my nerves but I would never go and put them down like they’re doing!)

Misty felt a burning mix of embarrassment and frustration as she stood before her family, her sisters teasing her right in front of everyone. Larcade, ever the peacekeeper, quickly intervened with a stern tone, "Alright you guys, let's give it a rest. Misty just arrived so please show some decorum in front of our guests."

The girls fell silent at his command as he turned back to Misty, a warm smile on his face. "So these are the friends you told me about? They seem like…a interesting bunch." He glanced at each of them before his eyes landed on the dark skin trainer in the orange headband who was glaring at Misty. Larcade couldn't help but scowl back, wondering what his beef was with his little sister.

Misty nodded in response to Larcade's question, still flustered by her friends encountering her family. She could feel their curious eyes on her, and couldn't help but feel anxious about them discovering the reason behind her reluctance to come home. Sensing her unease, Larcade decided to intervene once again for her sake.

"Well it's great that you brought your friends here for an introduction and an official gym battle. Your friend Ashi here certainly impressed me with her skills - my entire team was wiped out so I’m afraid I won’t be able to have a battle with Toshi not unless he wishes to take on the other gym leaders in my stead!" He turned to the other girls and asked, "Would any of you like to volunteer in participating for Toshi’s match?"

To everyone's surprise (except for maybe Larcade and Misty), the trio shook their heads before explaining their reasons. "We would love like to help you out of this ‘sitch, but like our Pokemon aren't exactly battle-savvy.” Daisy response while sighing sadly, “Like they know a few moves but mostly for showmanship."

"Yeah, they're more suited for entertaining the crowd than battling," Violet added as she twirled a blue lock of hair around her finger.

"Although if anyone has a chance at Pokemon battling, it would be our big bro here...and then there's..." Lily trailed off, turning to look at Misty with a knowing expression. Misty could feel everyone's eyes on her as she realized what her sisters were implying.

"Yeah, Mist may not have all the good looks and a rockin' bod, but she’s a Pokemon trainer after all!" Misty scowled at Daisy and ready to make a scathing remark but the other two chime in as they came and rest a hand on each shoulder.

"We'll count on you then, little sis. You have a gym learner's permit and should be able to take the role easily," Violet said with a mischievous smile. The sisters may have been professional trainers, but they were better at performing than battling. And they thought it would be fun to give their little sister a chance to shine in the gym. Larcade turned to Ashi and Toshi and asked, "Does this work for you?"

Ashi looked at her brother, seeing the determination in his eyes as he thought it over before shouting back with fire in his voice. "I'm in it to win it!"

"Me too, I'll show you what I can really do!" Misty chimed in, feeling determined and egged on by her sisters' words. She was going to prove them wrong and show them what she was truly made of. They called her a runt? Well, she was going to make them eat their words when she beat Toshi with her Pokemon!

Both Ashi and Larcade smiled at their siblings before Larcade announced, "Then it's settled - Toshi will battle Misty for the Cascade Badge."

"My team is strong - we'll beat you without breaking a sweat!" Toshi declared confidently. "Ha in your dreams, Toshi. My Pokemon will come out on top!" Misty retorted with equal confidence. With the challenge thrown down and everyone eager to see another exciting battle, Larcade suggested that it be a two-on-two match with himself as the referee.

As everyone settled into their seats, Ashi sat between Leon and Steven while Raihan perched behind her with his Rotom recording the battle. The attention of those gathered was fixed on the two trainers standing at opposite ends of the pool: Misty and Toshi, both determined to win as they held Pokeballs in their hands.

The anticipation for the upcoming battle filled the room as everyone eagerly awaited the start of the match. Meanwhile, Larcade stood next to Seel, raising his hand before bringing it down, shouting, “BEGIN!”

Toshi sent out his Butterfree while Misty chose Staryu as her starting Pokemon. As the match began and everyone watched intently, Ashi busied herself by feeding Aratiri and Yoruchi some oran berries to replenish their strength. Sora took a seat between the two trainers, observing Toshi's Butterfree as it dodged a Water Gun attack from Staryu and countered with a Gust.

"How long did it take you guys to get here?" Ashi asked curiously, wanting to know if they had been in town for a while before the Galar Monarch explained that they had arrived half an hour ago. They had suspected that Misty was not in the open field and decided to try their luck in the city, asking around to see if anyone had seen her on their way to the Center.

"We saw your message and wanted to let you know we were here, so we headed straight for the Gymnasium," Steven answered. Then, as they were about to enter the building, he noticed someone lurking nearby. They all became curious and followed the person who went behind the structure towards an emergency exit at the back. When they entered the room, they heard Ashi's voice and decided to investigate, leading up to the present moment.

"Huh, so you were here the whole time watching?" Ashi's cheeks turned slightly pink as she hadn't expected them to come and observe her. Leon chuckled, "We noticed how focused you were and didn't want to distract you. And like we said before, you were amazing. I know you will continue to progress and conquer any challenges that come your way."

"Yeah, what Leo said," Raihan interjected, leaning forward between them. Then he turned to Ashi and asked, "But one thing I'm wondering is how did you not realize that this 'Chad' guy was the Gym Leader until he slipped you the badge?"

Ashi frowned at him and corrected him, "First of all, his name is Cade - uh, Larcade. And secondly, I just assumed he was an employee here who suggested a battle. He never mentioned it was an official gym match!"

Huffing, Ashi turned away after making her point. Steven listened in and tried to calm the tense atmosphere by saying, "Well, regardless, you really showed him. And I think Toshi learned a lot from observing you. This way, he'll know what to expect when fighting someone of Larcade's caliber."

"Yeah, but now this won't be too difficult. Although, I have to say Misty is really giving it her all." They all refocused their attention on the battlefield as Misty went all out, determined to prove herself not only to those watching but also to Larcade who had been keeping tabs on their skills and abilities.

Toshi's Butterfree used Sleep Powder on Staryu and followed up with a Quick Attack, sending the drowsy Pokemon crashing into the wall with a loud thud. With Staryu showing no signs of getting back up, Toshi had earned his first point, leaving Misty with only one Pokemon remaining.

"Heh, one down, one more to go!" Toshi smirked over at the orange-haired teen watching as she recalled her unconscious Pokemon. But she knew the battle was far from over. "You haven't seen anything yet. Starmie, come out!"

Misty threw out her second Pokemon and everyone saw the evolved form of Staryu standing poised and ready for action. Toshi decided to switch out his Butterfree for his Shinx.

"Okay, let's see how you handle this!" Toshi released his tiny electric-type Pokemon from its Pokeball and it let out an energetic growl, eager to join in the battle.

As everyone in the stands watched the two trainers' Pokemon face off, it seemed like Shinx had the higher advantage over Misty's Water type. But Misty looked determined and it could still be anyone's match at this point.

"Let's see how this turns out," Ashi muttered to herself, but just as the second round was about to start, the building started shaking and everyone looked around in confusion at this unexpected disturbance.

"Oh no, please don't tell me what I think this is!" growled Raihan as he had a bad feeling about what was happening. The others jumped out of their seats and moved to the opposite side of the room just in time as an armored tank bulldozed through the wall and crushed the stands upon entering.

"What's going on here?" Daisy questioned as she and her sisters stood with everyone else, frowning at the sight of the damaged area caused by the tank.

"Whoever is in that thing like better have good insurance to pay us back!" exclaimed Violet, but then they heard voices coming from inside the tank and those familiar with them groaned inwardly (Not these guys again?!)

"Sorry to coming crashing in!" called out Jessie followed by her partner James, "But we just had to make a grand entrance. So allow us to introduce ourselves…" Before anyone could tell them to shut up or try to prevent them from speaking that motto with their usual dramatic flair without realizing that no one here was interest in it! Not one person at all! But being the delusional beings they were couldn’t help getting into their thing.

"To protect the world from devastation!/To unite all peoples within our nat—!"

"Oh for the love of Arceus, will you two just shut up already?" Toshi and Misty both shouted at the same time, clearly annoyed by their interruption. Even their Pokemon were scowling at the duo (or at least thought Starmie was given its lack of facial features but still equally as aggravated as its trainer).

"Yeah, can't you see we're in the middle of an important match here? We don't have time for your pointless drivel!" This took Jessie and James by surprise and they tried to regain their composure and start again, but once again they were interrupted as Larcade turned to the others and couldn't help but ask, as he notice the look everyone’s face and had a feeling they knew these people, "Have you all encountered these individuals before?"

He saw them all nod in unison before they began to explain to the gym leader and the three sisters. "You've probably seen the news reports about an organization calling themselves Team Rocket, right?" Ashi explained while gesturing towards the two across from them. "That's them, although I think we can all agree that they aren't the brightest bunch and could be more accurately described as brainless dolts!"

(HEY?!/HOW DARE YOU CALL US BRAINLESS!) But Ashi ignored their protests as she continued to voice what she and everyone else thought of them. "They like to barge in and recite that ridiculous mottos every time they show up, giving away all their plans before trying to steal Pokemon. It's most likely their intention here."

Leon added his own insight on the matter. "They're the same people who attacked Viridian Pokemon Center and caused a disturbance in Mt. Moon tunnels not too long ago." His rival and Hammerlocke gym leader chimed in as well. "They're persistent pests, always coming after us for some reason. They seem to have a strange obsession with Ashi's Pokemon. But we always send them flying, so they should know by now that they're no match for us."

"HEY! JUST WHAT DO YOU TWERPS THINK YOU'RE DOING?/YOU'RE MAKING US SOUND LIKE WE’RE UTTER MORONS!" Everyone turned to give them a deadpan look. "Uh you’re doing that just fine without our help buddy!” Raihan remarked as he saw the others nodding in agreement. "We've heard your shtick so why don’t you do us a favor and beat it, otherwise I’ll personally see to give you a one way ticket on the Steel Beam Express, free of charge!"

A twitch could be seen on both Jessie's and James's faces. They couldn't believe how everyone was treating them like they were a joke or something. "You twerps have really crossed the line this time!"

"Aren’t you guy forgetting something?" Toshi interjected, pointing at his sister who stood there with her arms crossed over her chest scowling directly at the duo, "Or do we need to remind you of the last time you cause us problems?"

All eyes turned to Ashi that was glaring in their direction and saw the other trainers were backing away slowly as if they didn’t want to get in her way. Though there were no signs of the HM manifesting (yet) but clearly everyone took the initiative to get out of her way if it came down to it.

“While as much as I would love to give them another taste since these guys must’ve really enjoy course eleven and sure could give them seconds if that’s what they really want, or perhaps they wish to try number twelve instead.” Ashi had a sharpedo-like grin directed towards them though this was all a bluff but these fools didn’t need to know.

Both Jessie’s and James’ face lost all color as she said this, finding their minds were bringing up that dreaded image of the demonic Hannya mask that was causing the two to immediately shudder at the thought of seeing THAAT one more time. They could feel the icy cold dread crawling up their spines as the idea of facing that monstrosity was something out of their worst nightmares.

Their bodies becoming stiff as statues and if not for Meowth picking up what’s going on and see he better take the reins otherwise those two won’t be able to do anything but stand there like sitting Psyducks! "Forget about the 'Twerpette' and let's just get on with what we came here to do!" Everyone noticed that Team Rocket’s Meowth had some sort of remote device in its paws.

"Hey what are you planning to do with that?" But before they could get an answer, Meowth pressed a button and a large hose emerged from behind the large tank and moving towards the pool. "Like what are they doing?!"

"We're just here to provide some pool cleaning service," Meowth replied with a sly grin. "We'll drain all the water out, along with any other Pokemon that may be in there."

“So that’s why you guys stole that stuff!” Ashi and Toshi seeing what was going on and realizing that those three had gone after the vaccuum of that size. But seeing the water being sucked away and then the gym leaders yelling at the Pokemon to stop what he was doing.

"You’re right my bad, I should give it back!” He push the button again and everyone watched as the water then came flooding back out but now in their direction. The sudden rush of water caught everyone by surprise as it hit them and seeing them being swept into the strong current. Ashi’s Pokemon were also caught in as the water was flooding the whole room and everyone trying to stay afloat in the chaos. Leon manage to grab onto one of the ramp steps before reaching for Ashi that came near and pulling her against him.

“Ashi I need you to grab one of the Pokeballs on my belt, hurry!” Ashi being held firmly tightly but able to do as he said and throw it up in the air, releasing the Pokemon inside. Charizard roared upon coming out but seeing what was happening with his trainer and everyone being overpower by the raging water flooding the entire arena.

"Charizard, gather everyone and get them to the stands!" The Champion's Pokemon wasted no time obeying Leon's command, swooping down to pick up both his trainer and Ashi before doing the same with the others to get them out of harm’s way.

"Like my hair!" Daisy and her sisters yelled as they were lifted to safety with everyone else on the higher steps. "Your hair? We have bigger things to worry about dontcha think!" Raihan exclaimed, pushing his wet headband out of his face before releasing his own Pokemon to help Leon’s. Ashi saw Charizard and Flygon working together to rescue anyone they could get their claws on. The Fire Type had Ashi's three Pokemon while the Ground Dragon had Toshi's Shinx in its arms and the two passing them to her one at a time.

"Thanks, you two. Hopefully that’s everyone," A quick count of those with them in the stands revealed to Ashi that her brother and Misty were missing. She felt a surge of worry alongside Larcade, who had also noticed their absence. Where are they, where could they be—

The two thinking the same thing as they immediately look back to the pool and both saw their siblings struggling in the water, Toshi and Misty desperately holding onto Seel and Starmie and attempting to escape the pull of the hose as Meowth set it back to its original setting and seeing was sucking the water and everything in it.

"Toshi! Misty!" They cried out and then without thinking twice as they race towards them, both diving headfirst before swimming towards their respective siblings with Charizard and Flygon right behind them to lend their assistance.

"Haha, looks like you're all washed up now!" Jessie taunted as she watched the mini twerp and twerpette struggle in the distance. "'Looks like' is right! You're about to go down the drain!" Added James with a mocking laugh.

Ashi and Larcade could see how bad this look but both were determined to reach their siblings before it was too late. With powerful strokes and using her mana to increase her speed, Ashi reached Toshi first and moving with one arm to get them out of the current’s strong pull. Ashi also saw Larcade was doing the same with Misty and seeing that it was turning to be a struggle for them with Meowth now cranking it a little more to make the suction even stronger! “Heh let’s see you get out of this now!”

The Dragonslayer grit her teeth trying her best not to give in even as her muscles were screaming and knew that if something wasn’t done they were going to be pulled under! But just when things were looking bleak, she felt something grab hold of both her and Toshi and then being propelled into the air by Charizard as he quickly pulled them from the water and up into the air and held them in his arms.

"Thanks Charizard." Ashi said to the Pokemon and seeing that Flygon had also rescue Larcade and Misty just in the nick of time as well. Larcade was keeping a firm hold on Misty while glaring over at Jessie and James for almost drowning his sister with Ashi feeling the same way herself. Those guys were gonna pay dearly for what they tried to…suddenly Ashi had an idea!

"Hey Toshi, how do you feel about unleashing a massive strike on these guys?" Toshi turned to his sister after hacking out the last of the chlorine from his lungs. He wasn't sure what she was suggesting, so he asked, "How big are we talking?"

Her eyes shone with mischievous determination as she glanced over at everyone, including their Pokemon who were eagerly watching. "One of mega proportions that will give them a jolt!" Her brother caught on quickly and grinned. "Alright, let's do it!" They both turned their attention to their Shinx and shouted loudly to get their attention.

"ARATIRI! YORUCHI! SHINX, USE THUNDERBOLT INTO THE WATER NOW!" Everyone stepped back to give them room as the Pikachu and the two Shinx let out a deafening thunderbolt, aimed directly at the water being sucked up by the hose. The electrical current surged through the water, crackling and sparking as it hit the metal surface of the tank where the suction was coming from. Team Rocket realized too late what was happening and Meowth attempted to turn off the machine, but it was too late. The electric intensity surged in and some of the water spilled out onto their feet, causing them to feel shocked and disoriented.

The spectators watched in awe as Team Rocket shook and sizzled under the powerful electricity from the two Shinx. They could see that the vacuum couldn't handle any more of the charge and suddenly burst into one massive explosion, catapulting the trio upwards towards the gym ceiling before crashing through it and disappearing into the sky while shouting, "Looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again!"

As everyone saw the threat already neutralized and Team Rocket now long gone, they move to where Charizard and Flygon were letting the four trainers down before stepping back to let them crowd Ashi and Toshi. They marveled at how ingenious their plan had been and showering them with praise and admiration for their quick thinking and clever execution. “Wow like way to go you two!/That was super incredible back there!/That should teach those goons not to go messing with the cuties!”

The Ketchum siblings exchanged wide grins before turning their attention to their Pokemon, who were eagerly making their way towards them. Ashi and Toshi bend down to catch them in their arms and hugging their partners tightly while Pikachu climb up Ashi’s shoulder and nuzzle into her affectionally, "You all did such an incredible job!" The two Shinx wagged their tails in response, basking in their trainers' admiration before being set down on the ground again. As Ashi and Toshi lovingly petted their partners' heads, Leon and Raihan couldn't help but notice something that got both their attention.

"Hey, is it just me or do they look shinier to you?" Raihan remarked out loud and even Steven could tell that he was right.

Whether it was leftover static energy from the battle itself or simply their excitement after beating Team Rocket at their own game, something triggered inside both Shinx that caught everyone by surprise.

“Wait are they…” Their fur began to shimmer and glow with an otherworldly light, their bodies stretching and expanding until they were sleek and powerful, exuding a relentless aura. The once playful and innocent features of these creatures now radiated maturity and strength.

“LUXIO!” Toshi’s Pokemon roared loudly, its muscles rippling under its now electrified fur as it stood proudly by its trainer's side. Yoruchi's golden-obsidian coat seemed to shine even brighter, emitting a blinding brilliance that captivated all who gazed at this fierce looking beauty before them.

"Wow, they evolved!" Misty’s sisters marveled at how Ashi's Pokemon was truly a sight to see while Toshi's stood tall and proud with its new form before everyone, its chest puff out with pride.

"This is amazing, buddy!" Toshi buried his face in Luxio's neck, feeling small sparks of electricity tickle his cheek and make his hair stand up on ends. Leon look to the former Shinx and while silently admitting he had thought the two Pokemon would evolve somewhere along the line but never at the same time, but still he was glad for both Toshi and his sister. He turn to look to where she was and that as she was petting her Luxio, Raihan was there taking pictures of her Pokemon with his Rotom moving around for different angle shots.

Raihan found this was too good a opportunity to pass up as Yoruchi in her new form was definitely one for the ages, knowing that people would be blown away by her glamorous beauty once he posted them on social media. As Luxio struck another pose next to its trainer, giving Raihan what he wanted and the gym leader thought how these photos would cause sparks to fly on "Poketerest" the moment they got posted.

"This is fantastic! Yes, yes, give me more of that, Yoruchi! Yes! Work it! Owe it! Yeah that’s it!" Raihan called out while the Rotom excitedly snapped away with his camera app, knowing that these photos would definitely garner a lot of attention online.

Leon and Steven chuckled at the gym leader's enthusiasm, knowing that there was no doubt Ashi's Pokemon would become an internet sensation once Raihan shared the pictures on his social media account.

As Toshi embraced his beloved Pokemon, he was interrupted by Larcade tapping him on the shoulder. "Excuse me," Larcade said, gesturing to himself and the other gym leaders. "We have something for you."

Toshi's eyes widened in surprise as Larcade presented him with the Cascade badge. "Seriously?!" Both he and Misty exclaimed simultaneously, but for different reasons. "But we didn't even finish our match!"

Before Larcade could respond, Daisy stepped in. "To be fair, if Toshi had let his Shinx go all out like it did, he would have definitely taken out Starmie." It made sense to everyone, including Misty. "Okay, I guess when you put it that way..."

With a huge grin, Toshi accepted the badge from Larcade's hand, admiring the way the dewdrop design gleamed in his palm. He now had two official badges! "This is amazing!" He cheered, followed by his loyal Luxio and other Pokemon by his side.

Not long after, Larcade excused himself to make a call about the incident while everyone else stood outside the gym, preparing to continue their journey.

"It was great seeing you again, even if it was short-lived," Daisy said wistfully. Misty was surprised by her kind words; she never expected this type of sentiment from her sisters. "Yeah, maybe next time try to call us every now and then instead of leaving us hanging to wonder what you’re up to!" Lily added with a teasing smile.

Misty couldn't believe they were saying this to her and was confused about their sudden change in behavior. It was Violet who revealed that after Misty left on her own, they had some serious discussions among themselves. Well actually it was thanks to Larcade who brought the hammer down when he learns what happened with Misty’s abrupt departure and seeing to talk this with the trio one on one. They each realized they may have been too harsh on their youngest sibling and wanted to make amends for how they treated her before.

"We know we’ve come off strong because we have all this potential to be the greatest beauties in Cerulean but doesn’t mean you don’t either," Daisy explained, “Well in the beauty department but still you have a talent for battle, that’s something!”

"Exactly, you’re so lucky that you can do what you can and still hold your head up high even when you knew you were going to lose, and unlike us try to work around it and get stronger," Lily added.

"But the truth is, Misty, while you may be the annoying little runt, you're still a part of our family and you don't have to do everything alone," Violet said sincerely as they all spoke their true feeling and Misty seeing that it was how they each felt for her that touched her deeply. As Larcade joined them, he smiled warmly at the girls. "Family is important, Misty and we only want what's best for you."

As she hugged her siblings tightly, Misty felt a wave of emotions wash over her. Tears streamed down her cheeks and she whispered, "Thank you all...for everything." Larcade then had an idea and offered out a suggestion to her, "Since you plan on continuing your Pokemon training, why not take Seel with you and you leave us either Staryu and Starmie to help work on their skills here at home?"

Misty could tell he was being serious and thought that it would be nice bringing Seel along to train and though was relunctant when she decided to hand over her beloved Staryu to her brother while he gave her Seel’s Pokeball. She made them promise to take good care of it and seeing they reassured her that they would.

"And there's one more thing we want to give you as a present for your first attempt as Gym leader!" Larcade exclaimed, passing another Pokeball to Misty. Curious, she pressed the button to release the Pokemon inside and everyone saw that it was a Galarian Slowpoke. "Slowpoke!" it called out happily.

"Whoa, where did you get that?" Toshi exclaimed, pulling out his Pokedex to scan it. To his surprise, the data showed the Kanto version instead. "This isn't a Kantonian Slowpoke, data not found!"

"Huh?" Leon and Raihan stepped forward. "It's from the Galar region, Toshi. Look." They let their Rotom scan the Pokemon before showing them the data they had on it. "It emits an invigorating scent due to the chemicals it absorbs from the spices it eats as its staple food," Raihan read aloud. Toshi blink and while turning to give the air a quick sniff to see there definitely was something coming off the Pokemon just now. Misty however was too starry eye as she stared at the Slowpoke that was before them.

"Wait, you're giving it to me?" She couldn't believe her ears when she saw Larcade nod. "I know you have big aspirations and I think this little one here could use someone who can bring out its full potential."

"Also, you may want to hold onto this just in case," Daisy added, pulling out a super long leash that was attached to the harness on the Slowpoke's body. Misty didn't understand why it would need a leash, before her other two sisters came to give her some friendly advice.

“I feel I must warn you that you’re going to have to take Slowpoke on daily walks!/Yeah at least twice or maybe three times a day!/Unless you think you’re able to handle its going off on its own because trust me you’ll need this!”

Misty's eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she tried to make sense of the trio's words. Before she could even ask for clarification, her hand holding the leash was yanked harshly and she stumbled forward, barely managing to keep her balance. Slowpoke, sensing its chance at freedom, had already darted out towards the open street, pulling Misty along with it as she desperately tried to hold onto the leash and regain control of the situation. Chaos ensued as the group scrambled to catch up and stop Slowpoke before it disappeared into the distance.

They were halfway down the sidewalk when they stumble upon Brock lying on the pavement covering in footprints. It was clear to them that he must’ve come across Misty on his way here only to get trampled in the process. Ashi and the others came over to help him up, hearing Brock moan as he came around, his face having a size seven shoe print on his face, “Ugh what was that just now, I could’ve swore that look like a Slowpoke…”

But that can’t be right because in the Pokemon Breeder’s digest they were said to be the most sluggish of all creatures and didn’t have that much stamina to move around. So it can’t be…right?

Leon was the one to answer him while he and Steven help the trainer to his feet, “Yeah that was a Slowpoke but not of the Kanto type.” Seeing the look on Brock’s face and guessing he was about to ask some more questions but Leon knew now wasn’t the time for inquiries as did Raihan who step in.

“As much as I would love to get into this whole discussion about the differences in Slowpokes variety, but I think we should turn our focus onto the bigger problem here! Cause at the rate that little guy going, Misty is gonna be halfway towards the Cinnabar Islands if we don’t get a move on!” Everyone then resume the pursuit as they followed the source of Misty’s desperate cries for help and seeing she was just about near the City’s exit as they headed down that very same direction.

Ashi brought up the rear, clutching onto a small electronic device that Larcade had insisted she take before they parted ways. He had explained that he had taken precautions by downloading the Pokemon's tracking data onto the mini radar, anticipating that something like this might occur and knowing it would be difficult to locate otherwise. Ashi knew they would likely have to rely on this device often now that Slowpoke was part of Misty's team and bound to lead them on many explorations throughout Kanto.

The four gym leaders stood together in the middle of the road, watching as the group took off, shouting words of encouragement once more. They weren't sure if their words reached them, as the group was focused on catching up with their friend and her speedy Pokemon.

Daisy turned to Larcade, who had removed his bandana and was now running his fingers through his hair. She asked him if he thought Misty would be okay with these guys, while the other two showed interest in his response. The young man didn't hesitate as he smiled at them, a breeze playfully tousling his fringe and revealing the small white cross tattoo on his forehead. “I have no doubts about it seeing as I can tell she’s gonna make it far.”

“Like I’ll say she’s going far, farther out with that Slowpoke she’s now got!” Violet said as she put her hand over her brow, trying to make out the shirking speck that was Misty’s but could still hear her shrieks in that direction. Lily nod saying, “Yeah certainly is gonna be quite the handful isn’t it!” Hopefully their little sister can handle them much better than they could, after all what’s the worst that can happen?

“AIIII Why me!” Ashi and the others could hear Misty shouting out from afar and then as they started getting closer and seeing the orange blur that was the teen who was clinging onto the leash for dear life, being whisked away by the Galarian Slowpoke while they were hot on their tail.

“Man look at that Slowpoke go, it’s certainly doesn’t live up to it name now does it!” Toshi laughed thinking he never imagine coming across one as lively as this one. He and Ashi were able to keep up with their speed because of their Dragonslayer’s ability and while Raihan and Leon did work out to keep themselves in shape, with Steven and Brock just behind them though the latter was lagging and seeing they were all starting to tire from the chase.

So in that case, it was time to initiate Plan B. Leon and those with Flying Type send their Pokemon to go and intercept them while everyone took a moment to catch their breath before they could start again.

“Oh man I thought Slowpokes were suppose to be well—Slow!” Brock groan as he lean forward with his hands on his knees and seeing everyone starting to feel the strain on their legs from all that running as well.

“Yeah you’re preaching it to the choir my friend, this ain’t no normal Pokey!” Raihan said since now his calves were killing him but sure the feeling would go away very soon.

“Well hopefully once it evolves into a Slowbro or Slowking, they should be less of an issue I believe or so I’d hope in Misty’s case.” Steven was aware evolvement happen different and the Pokemon goes through different changes but unsure whether that would hold true for the Pokemon that was still making dust cloud as it ran the open road.

“Yeah but…” Everyone glance at Ashi who had a pensive look on her face and wondering what was wrong since she seem like had something to say, “I just thought that I mean for whoever discovered them at the beginning, I wish they had put more thought into how to portray them since I feel that when the Slowpoke evolve it might come off even weirder once it comes out...”

“Huh what are you talking about?” They all saw that Ashi took a moment to compose herself before revealing what she knew to them, “Because when Misty’s Slowpoke evolve, it will be a Slowsis or Slowqueen.”


Asharia 'Ashi' Ketchum - Age 18, Trainer (Beginner)

Team Ashi -

*Litten (m) - Sora

Pikachu (m)- Aratiri

*Litleo (f) - Sekhmet

*Luxio née Shinx (f) - Yoruichi

Scyther (m) - Masamune

Beedrill (f) - Suzumebachi

Satoshi 'Toshi' Ketchum - Age 10, Trainer (Beginner)

Team Toshi -

Charmander (m)

Litleo (m)

Luxio née Shinx (m)

Pidgeotto (f)


Pokemon egg (?)

Leon Jordan - Age 20, Trainer (Advance) Galar Champion x5

Team Leon -

Charizard (m)

Dragapult (m)

Rillaboom (m)

Cinderace (m)

Inteleon (m)

Mr. Rime (m)

Raihan Tarsha - Age 23, Trainer (Advance) Hammerlocke Gym Leader

Team Raihan -

Duraludon (m)

Sandaconda (m)

Goodra (m)

Flygon (m)

Misty Williams - Age 12, Trainer (Beginner) Interim Cerulean Gym Leader

Team Misty -

Starmie (?)

Goldeen (f)

Seel (m)

~G~ Slowpoke (f)

Brock Harrison - Age 16, Trainer (Intermediate) Temp Pewter Gym Leader

Team Brock -

Geodude (m)

Onix (m)

Zubat (m)

Steven Stone - Age 25, Trainer (Advance) Hoenn Champion

Team Steven -

Metagoss (m)

Skarmory (m)

@ Professor Oak’s Ranch

Ashi’s Pokemon: Clefairy (f), Noibat (m) Names to be announce later on

Toshi’s Pokemon: Beedrill (m)

Transfer ownership to Delia: Clefable x2 (m),(f)

Omake: The Bonds You Can Make if You MOVE IT!

Misty's return to her hometown had not gone as she had expected. Despite some initial apprehension, it wasn't as bad as she had feared. She remembers after making a dramatic proclamation in front of her sisters that she would return as a world-famous Water Pokemon Master, Misty couldn't help but feel a bit embarrassed coming back so soon after leaving. But the short journey through the Viridian Forest (Misty shuddering at recalling the incident all too well with all the bugs and such,) before she met with Ashi and the others that were traveling on through the area. Sure there had been lots of ups and downs, making her wonder if it was the right decision to join them. However, she found comfort in hanging out with them, especially Ashi who was pretty cool once she got to know her and note how a lot of the guys show particular interest in the older teen but she didn’t seem to jump at the chance to start spark flying even when there had been some close calls before.

But as Misty was walking down the trail, she couldn't shake off the thought of visiting her brother Larcade. Out of all her siblings, he was her favorite and had always been there to support and encourage her. Even though they weren't blood relatives and he had no memories of his past before being taken in by her family after being found on the steps of their gym, Larcade had become an integral part of their lives for ten years. He was the one who trained her two Staryu and gave her a water stone on her tenth birthday to make them stronger. He never looked down on her and always urged her to persevere no matter how tough the opponent.

These memories made Misty realize that she needed to face her sisters and show them what she was capable of. With determination, she marched towards the city, taking a scenic route that would get her there quicker while imagining that the others had already left without her (a mistake she should have known better than to make after seeing Raihan's annoyed expression at the gym).

Being in a room with all of her siblings and her new friends felt awkward to say the least, especially now that her comrades knew about why she hadn’t been so hype on coming here. Still Larcade had been happy to see her and though she thought his intentions to have her prove herself in front of the others by suggesting she battle Toshi for his gym match. She knew that he was openly encouraging her to prove to her family how she can be just as good as them, even with her interim gym license. And even though her first match didn’t go well but ready to counter with her strongest Pokemon, that was when Team Rocket had to go blundering in like always.

Having those clowns show up at a bad time and while it had been very hectic yet thankfully the matter resolve with those three being skyrocketed through the now ruin roof, (She hope that the insurance would be able to cover those since it would be a costly fix for both that and the destroyed wall and anything else they had damaged while coming here).

And even though they never finish the battle but Larcade saw that Toshi did deserve his badge as even she admit he and his sister did good. Although admitting seeing the two Shinx evolved into their next form was certainly memorable, and having no doubts that Ashi’s Yoruichi was bound to be an internet sensation on Raihan’s social media.

Though even after all this and while Misty had again not seen it coming when her sisters decided to have a talk with her before she left. Hearing them speak about how they felt and Misty realizing how much they truly care about her when they express their concern for her. She knew they had never really seen eye to eye but now maybe they could try to mend that bridge and at least try and be more cordial with one another.

But what’s a goodbye without giving away parting gifts: Larcade had her take both the Gym’s Seel and a Pokemon he had recently acquired from his travels, figuring she would like to have those two join her team.

Although now to be honest, she would’ve rather taken the Seel and leave it at that!

“Ugh please slow down!” Misty was gripping on for sheer life as the yellow-crest Slowpoke was running so fast and seeing as she wondered how much energy this Pokemon had.

Did someone give it a Red Taurus or something! She could feel her arms being pulled out of their sockets and wonder if it was gonna be like this the whole way! Misty's heart pounded as she struggled to keep up with the hyperactive Slowpoke, her feet barely touching the ground as she was practically dragged along. The eccentric Pokemon seemed to be enjoying itself, oblivious to Misty's distress.

“For the love that’s all Arceus please stop!” She wanted off this crazy train stat and wonder if someone up there was listening or maybe because Slowpoke saw the tree with the fruits and realize it was snack time! Both trainer and the Pokemon were circling it around and around with Misty feeling her stomach twisting with each swirl before finding herself clinging to the trunk until it stop with her tied in the cord binding.

“Ugh…” Misty’s eyes were now swirlies and that was how Charizard and the other Pokemon found her and after they manage to pull her free but seeing to keep the bounded leash where it was at the moment. It wasn’t that long before the rest of her friends came to join her and see how Misty was after that crazy ride.

“I don’t know how I’m gonna handle training her if she is gonna be doing this every single time.” Misty groan from lying on the ground, cover head to toe in dust and still feeling her arms had been extended out by a few inches but mostly still sore.

All eyes were fixed on the tree where the leash was roped around with the Slowpoke frantically trying to escape. Its small feet scrabbled against the ground, leaving deep imprints as it stubbornly fought for its freedom. It was clear this Pokemon was determined to continue where it left off. Everyone mentally sweatdropped while thinking that was one persistent Slowpoke Misty had on her hands…

“Yeah no kidding, it kinda reminds me of the ones I heard that are found in the Soothing Wetland on the Isles of Armor.”

Leon knew that this one wasn’t like the norm of a Galarian Slowpoke since they were of the same speed as a Kanto’s but then remembering how his Dojo Master at that time had trained his three to be nimble and that they were part of the initiative test when he first had his training with him. From what Ashi said before with her talk with Larcade, he had visit the Galar Region not that long ago and having return with two Slowpoke eggs after his time there.

Now if Leon were to guess, he would believe that somehow Misty’s brother had went down to the dojo there and somehow his Slowking may have encounter one or all three of the Slowpokes roaming that area. Not many were aware of this fun fact, but Mustard’s Slowpokes were all female and that if the timing was anything to go by, then it might have been mating season for that species.

(Leon’s theory would be point accurate as he was correct in this assumption and even after he gave away the two eggs, his Dojo Master was now the proud trainer of four Galarian/Kanto Slowpokes and was already in the midst of teaching the very zealous offsprings how to be as agile like their moms and knew would be great asset in training his students, much to everyone else’s growing despair!)

“Yeah you certainly got your hands full with that one all right.” Raihan said as he sees how determine that Pokemon was to get out from its restraint and hate to be in Misty’s position right about now. That was one tenacious little Slowpoke if he do say so himself.

Misty groan causing everyone to look at her and all trying to think of why Larcade had to entrust her with this Pokemon and not something that was a little less feisty. “Maybe if you have her go through some exercises that might take help calm her down.” Toshi suggested since it was the only thing he could think that would be able to get the vigorous Slowpoke to release its excess energy without hurting herself.

She did think that might be a good idea since it was worth a shot. “Yeah that’s true, I mean if I can work with her water moves that could help me a lot down the road.” But Leon unfortunately had to step in and say, “Hate to break it to you, but Galarian Slowpokes are mainly psychic types.”

“What really?” Raihan nodded before getting out his Rotom and looking up the data to show the teen the move set that regional type had, “It has like maybe three you can use right off the bat: Surf, Water Pulse and Rain Dance, but that’s just about it,”

The Hammerlocke gym leader then rub his chin thoughtfully, “You might be able to use a TM like Hydro Pump, that is if you can find a seller but then I’m afraid this is all you got to work with. Sorry but those are the breaks.”

Misty look to the ground, dejected upon hearing this although she knew wasn’t the Pokémon’s fault for not having the right skills to uses. “But I use only water types on my team!”

“Well you can still train her at least and who knows she could be like an ace up your sleeve if people assume you’d only use just Water Pokemon and then get surprised by your Slowpoke so that can throw them off their game.”

“I guess…” But turning to where the Slowpoke was still trying to break free from the indestructible leash that refuses to snap and now seeing had made itself a deep hole from all its scratching at the ground. “But she’s just so energetic and honestly how am I gonna to get her to at least work with her if she doesn’t pay any attention!”

“Maybe do something outside training that isn’t training.” Everyone turn to Ashi wondering what she meant by that, “One of the trainer from our town went to the Sinnoh region some months back and they’ve been entering in these contest that don’t involve battling, less you think it’s more of just showing the move sets and also teaching them how to perform though you kinda get the gist of it in some ways.”

“Ah you’re talking about Coordinating battles,” Steven was very familiar by it given that it was also popular in his area. The Bluette turn to Misty who was now listening to them, “Pokemon Coordinating is like a sort of beauty pageant where trainer’s can showcase their Pokemon in certain categories that highlight their skills and elegance rather than just battling. It could be a fun way to bond with your Slowpoke and maybe even discover new talents she has."

“It certainly does sound right about your alley.” Misty's eyes lit up at the suggestion, a smile breaking across her face. "That’s a great idea! Okay then let’s get coordinating!"

With aching muscles and a determined mind, Slowpoke paused to rest in the hole she had made, her small body curled up within the confines. She could try again in a few minutes, she thought, as she closed her eyes and embraced the stillness of the moment. Suddenly, a strange sound pierced through the peaceful quiet, causing Slowpoke to instantly pop her head out of the hole and scan her surroundings.

"Slow?" Her large round eyes widened as she caught sight of the two female trainers moving gracefully in perfect synchronization to the music that filled the air. They sidestepped with fluid movements before twirling around each other, their hands swaying and shaking to the lively melody that served as their backdrop. Slowpoke couldn't help but feel captivated by the enchanting display before her, her own body swaying along to the infectious rhythm.

“I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it
I like to move it, move it!”

Slowpoke's beady eyes sparkled with delight as it was entranced by the pulsating beat, its head nodding and tail swaying in perfect rhythm. Misty couldn't contain her joy as she watched her Pokémon fully engaged in the music, while Leon and Toshi slyly crept over to release it from its harness. All eyes were fixated on Slowpoke, eagerly anticipating what would happen next.

We like to move it

I like to move it, move it
She like to move it, move it
We like to move it, move it
We like to move it!

Lost in the captivating movements, Slowpoke began to crawl out of its cozy hole, drawn towards the source of the intoxicating sound. Unaware that it had been freed from its chains of suppression, Slowpoke was free to explore and embrace the lively atmosphere around it.

Keep on jumpin' off the floor
Dancin' 'til your feet is sore
Party hard just like it's Mardi Gras
'Cause that's what life is for (yeah)

“Wow it’s working!” Not like they had any doubts about it but it look like Ashi’s plan had really come through as Slowpoke was now inching over towards Misty and seeing to try and copy both trainers’ footwork even though it was on all fours and not two feet but still the effort was clear to everyone watching. Sora and Aratiri not one to miss out on all the action, decide to join and seeing that both trainers and Pokemon seem to be enjoying themselves with everyone watching their rhythmic movements.

And we don't party hardly (no)
We just party hard (yeah)
And not because we bored (no)
We party 'cause we born to party

Slowpoke's movements were slow and clumsy, but there was a certain charm to the way she tried to imitate Misty's pace.“That’s it keep at it! Just like that!” Before they knew it, Ashi and her Pokemon step back to give the two free space to really get their jig on.

Misty and her Slowpoke were so in tune to the other, dancing together to the rhythm of the music. The water trainer was thinking how her Pokemon was looking so happy and she had to admit this was quite fun.“You like this dontcha?” Slowpoke close her eyes and bop her head up and down with a grin on her face, “Slow-Slow!”

We gon' move our bodies
With our hands in the air
And wave 'em all around
Like we just don't care

As Misty and her Slowpoke were engaged in this fun dance, the two smiling and look to be having a blast as they sway their bodies side to side. Leon turn to Ashi with a grin at the scene unfolding before their eyes. "Looks like these two found their rhythm," The Galar Monarch remarked, impressed by Ashi’s idea and see that this might be exactly what Misty needed to bond with her zestful Slowpoke.

Ashi nodded in agreement, glad to see them coming along nicely and sure that Misty and Slowpoke were forming a special connection through this shared experience. "It just goes to show that there are many ways to bond with your Pokemon beyond battles."

The music continued to play, filling the area with its lively energy, as Misty and Slowpoke moved in harmony, their movements becoming more synchronized with each passing moment. They could tell that this might be just what they needed to get them into the spirit of things and Misty found a new inspiration that made her want to go farther than what she ever would’ve imagine.

I like to move it, move it
She like to move it, move it
We like to move it, move it
We like to MOVE IT!

Asharia’s Tail - Book 1: Kanto - Chapter 12 - Kyukitsune (2024)


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Name: Pres. Carey Rath

Birthday: 1997-03-06

Address: 14955 Ledner Trail, East Rodrickfort, NE 85127-8369

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Carey Rath, I am a faithful, funny, vast, joyous, lively, brave, glamorous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.